Monday 29 October 2012

Week Two: Howay!

Week summary:

Day 8:
Well, I tried not to let it get to the better of me, but unfortunately I've had some horrible things to face in non-library lifedom this weekend. Nonetheless, I wrapped myself up, zipped myself up, and battled against the mistral along the waterfront to get to work. Which is where I fell apart again, so, rather than having to brave face with Monday blue'd students on the Issue Desk this morning, the library manager was understanding enough to let me do some personal research and reflection until lunchtime (ka-ching!). Here, I managed to book myself on to this beast: "Applying To Study Library And Information Science ... And Beyond: A One-Day Conference". Lot's of key information to absorb here to keep the pre-application 'whattheeffsssdoIwrite...' at bay.
S h e l v i n g.
Art attack time. (Covering)
Beans on toast and *ahem* Resident Evil 6 until sleep.
Day 9:

For the rest of this week, I have been moved on to the 'dark side'. Stepping away from the e-resource focus of my training, and over into cataloguing, ordering, etc. etc. Managed to find my way around Dawson, to purchase any books that we a) didn't have, b) needed more of due to reading list demands. As this was my first time, I was absolutely scrupulous (the narcissists fear of failure), and it probably took me a lot more time than it should have done, so by the time I was finished, it was time for some soup and toast. Mmmm.

Hung out with Morph and the Scalpels; an imaginary new band who's setlists I could  dream up, whilst covering some more dontated books.

Returned to reading lists, and now home... to curl into a small bundle, and never wake up again.

I jest.

Day 10: Leave

Day 11: Leave

Day 12: Self centred research, all day long!

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